Quarter Semi-finals of the TCT AWARDS 018, in the category of Best Feminine Commercial Collection
In this category, beauty, pureness and simplicity in the world of colour, cut and styling is rewarded.
Cuarta serie de semifinalistas de los TCT AWARDS 018, en la categoría Best Feminine Commercial Collection
En esta categoría premiamos la belleza de la mujer, la pureza y la simplicidad en el mundo del color, corte y peinado.
74 Candice Mckay Best Feminine Commercial Collection
75 Ulises Mesa Best Feminine Commercial Collection
76 Josevi Busquier Best Feminine Commercial Collection
77 Dylan McConnachie Best Feminine Commercial Collection
78 Miriam Muñoz Best Feminine Commercial Collection
79 Olga García Best Feminine Commercial Collection
80 Danny Pato Best Feminine Commercial Collection
81 Danny Van Tujil Best Feminine Commercial Collection
82 Dylan McConnachie Best Feminine Commercial Collection
83 Edoardo Paludo Best Feminine Commercial Collection
84 Chrystofer Benson Best Feminine Commercial Collection
85 Diana Shaidullina Best Feminine Commercial Collection
86 Alexander Kiryliuk Best Feminine Commercial Collection
87 Anica Iordache Best Feminine Commercial Collection
88 Chrystofer Benson Best Feminine Commercial Collection
89 Henry Lin Best Feminine Commercial Collection
90 Cory Hoffman Best Feminine Commercial Collection
91 Nicole van der Linden by Assink by Pure Identity Best Feminine Commercial Collection
92 Chrystofer Benson Best Feminine Commercial Collection
93 Tomer Nagar Best Feminine Commercial Collection
94 Chrystofer Benson Best Feminine Commercial Collection
95 Manuel Ferreres Best Feminine Commercial Collection
96 威廉 Best Feminine Commercial Collection
97 Anica Iordache Best Feminine Commercial Collection
98 Cathy Batit Best Feminine Commercial Collection
99 Chrystofer Benson Best Feminine Commercial Collection
We will gradually upload the collections that have made the first cut. If you’ve sent a collection and don’t see it in this post, don’t get your hopes up, there’re still many collections that will make it to the semi-finals.
You can still send your collection!
Remember that the registration period finishes the 1st of September. This year, the winners of the TCT AWARDS will participate in Live Fashion Hair 018.
Participate and share your talent with the world.
In TCT Awards you can find the rules and conditions of TCT 018.
Send your collection to info@livefashionhair.com, we can’t wait to see it!
Poco a poco, subiremos las colecciones que han superado el primer filtro de nuestro jurado, si has enviado una colección y no está en este post, no desesperes, todavía quedan muchas colecciones que pasarán a las semifinales.
Aún estas a tiempo de enviar tu colección!!!
Recuerda que el plazo finaliza el día 1 de Septiembre, , este año los ganadores de TCT AWARDS participarán en Live Fashion Hair 018.
Animate a participar y que todos podamos disfrutar de tu talento.
En TCT Awards tienes las bases de TCT 018.
Envianos tu colección info@livefashionhair.com, te esperamos.